Monday, January 19, 2009

Freaks of Nature Unite!

I was watching some little leaguers play baseball this weekend and I had a very interesting conversation with a drug rep. She was telling me how excited she was about this new FDA approved drug that was having amazing results in the area of cancer and stem cell research. I listen and she was plesantly surprised about my knowledge in the area of adult stem cells. She thought I was all muscle and no head. I corrected her and said, "I'm a muscle head baby I like to flex it all. Who's your cute friend?" Her friend was Mindy. The kind of guy a muscle head like my could fall for. Anyways I always get off topic whan a cute girl walks into the conversation so I gotta stay focussed. This drug she had was causing the body to release the stem cell found in the bones. It must have been at a very high rate because one of the contraindications from this drug is pain in the bones. I gotta tell you this drug is saving peoples lives. When I told her I take a product that does the same thing without the side effect of the pain in the bones, I think she took a dump on the park bench she was sitting on. I want to shout from the rooftops about this Stem Tech stuff. So send this blog on to your friends and family members. If you are over 30 and you are reading this and do not go out and try this product for 90 days then YOU ARE AN IDIOT! And I'm not saying that in a nice way. This porduct is turning back the clock on aging. My partner in business Steven Robert Lewis. Google him! He had a heart attack on Christmas Eve and it was a serious one. Steve is 66 and had his first attack six years ago. He has been taking Stem Tech for three years now and after this event he was home in 4 days and back to full speed in about 20 days. His body is healing like it did when it was 20. He takes other suppliments like GBG and MA+, fish oils, fatty acids. He swears by Stem Tech and so do I. Show check it out and get some today. Stop the clock on aging. be able to do the fun things with your kids as they get older because you are still feeling great. Me, I take it every morning and I'm a 300 lbs. cat that is fast and agile.
Nough said, get your stuff today

Monday, January 5, 2009

You know I take stuff.

You know what I'm talking about. I take supplements for nutritional purposes and all.
Hey what were you thinking?
I might be a muscle head, but I'm not no idiot!
Probably the two three best thing I'm taking right now are
GBG 10 in 1 vitamin and mineral formula, MA+ whey protein,
and Stem Tech stem cell enhancer.
I know you what me to expound my great knowledge that I have for
these products and break it down to the cellular level and all, but I'm not.
you should just got to the websites yourself because I ain't no genius or nothing
like that. I just take the product and gets results. You gotta a problem with dat?
I didn't thinks so.
Go To GBG For GBG and MA+
Watch Christian Drapeau's video.

Do it or I'll find out where you live.
Oh yeah another quick note. My momma always said, "Why pay retail when you can pay whole sale?"
I don't know mom. Maybe it has something to do with saving money and tax advantages?
Hey do it now!