Sunday, August 10, 2008


Greetings Fellow Members of AdSurfDaily,

We would like to speak out regarding the callous, outrageous, and despicable behavior of a few greedy self centered ASD members (fringe members at best), that have taken it upon themselves to somehow try and hold their sponsors, leaders, and other fellow members of AdSurfDaily financially at fault for joining and participating the business opportunity.

First of all this business has been a fantastic opportunity for the vast majority of members that joined prior to the governments outrageous intrusion into our lives. You can tell by the hundreds and even thousands of Internet post and news accounts that an overwhelming majority of members were very happy with their ASD experience both in the services and income they were generating for their personal businesses and themselves.

Our leadership group can speak from experience that AdSurfDaily was a remarkable and unique advertising company with a fantastic business model. The service we received from increased web traffic, increase in gross business sales, and product branding was worth the cost of the Ad Packages alone. Add to that the life changing financial gain that most of us were experiencing through the rebate and referral commission, made this business the greatest opportunity (not scam) that was ever introduced on the Internet or business marketplace.

To try and hold a family member, friend, neighbor, business associate, contact, or even a stranger, who thought highly enough of you to invite you into the program, somehow to blame is both shallow and gutless, and without legal grounds (read the Terms of Service each member would have agreed to upon enrollment). Remember that all members are just that: members, and not agents or employees of the company, just links in the chain, and all have suffered terrible financial turmoil. We all acted in good faith, and cannot be held accountable for another members decision on whether to purchase Ad Packages or remain a free member. Each of us made our own choices, and each are responsible for our own actions. Nobody invested money, we all purchaed Ad Packages (the word "invest" is never used or implied, and if you read the terms and conditions is clearly prohibited). Nobody twisted any arms to recruit fellow members, the program was so good, that there was no need to force anybody to join.

For the overwhelming majority of us the product was excellent, the service was very good, and the financial reward was unheard of. Not too good to be true, but both good and true.

AdSurfDaily is not at fault either. There were some growth issues to be sure, but ASD addressed those concerns by hiring dozens of new employees, were in he process of renovating a 6 story office complex it purchased in Quincy, FL, and were one day from completing a huge upgrade to the ASD website and server system preformed by a world class web technology company. ASD was completing a number of huge financial projects that would have brought millions of dollars into the company to enhance the rebate program for it's members. Including the sponsorship of 2- Indy 500 cars in the 2009 race which would have helped bring international attention and notoriety to the company. Many of us know this information to be true from firsthand knowledge. Do these actions sound like a company that was going to take your money and run? Certainly not! Ad Surf Daily did not anticipate the massive growth (quite that fast) 100,000 + members in 3 months, and probably a million before the end of the year, but were up to the task, and were taking all of the steps necessary to meet the massive growth demands.

While this unfair government intervention into our lives has been a financial disaster for all of us (many of us were full time members and or used all the financial resources we had to purchase Ad Packages). Somehow, we will all overcome this, and regain our loses.

ASD, their legal staff, and many thousands of loyal members and leaders all feel we have a good chance at getting our business back and our finances restored. The greatest tool we have is a unified effort to bring pressure to bare on those responsible (US Attorney & Florida AG) for grinding this great business to a halt. Remember the US Attorney and Florida AG are not your allies in this, they alone are responsible for the current crisis and should be held responsible for their actions. Their goal is to forfeit all of the proceeds to the government agencies they represent,and to destroy your ability to earn a living as a responsible and honest and law abiding business entrepreneur. This is not an anti-American or anit-government bashing statement, but a statement as honest law abiding Americans (or our law abiding business partners from other Nations) to stand up for what is both our legal and moral rights.

Continue to write (positive experiences with ASD) letters to all of the email links provided on our previous emails. Let the ASD, media, and government agencies know how this intrusion by the government will not be tolerated by the many thousands of satisfied business owners and individuals that were a part of this great organization. This is our best chance of making a difference. There is strength in unity and numbers. We will be heard!

This was a letter that was forwarded to me and I really liked it. So who is responsible? I am because I read the disclaimer an was fully aware of MY CHOICE.

Lots of Love,
The Freak

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