Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How do you pick up a girl?

Hey I'm a muscle head so things gotta be broken down to the simplest possible way or I just don't get it. So recently I was asked how do you meet so many beautiful women? I joke "I have a big one!" No seriously I do, but that is not how I meet them. Here are a few pointers that I learned from some masters.

  • Be MORE interesting than the AFC in the place, bar, restaurant ect. Yes , it's that simple. All the hot chicks are bombarded by AFC's with cheesy (did I spell that right) pick up lines. AFC stands for Average F*&king Chump. Avoid being one of these at all cost. How do you BE more interesting? Rad the newspaper, watch a documentary, read a book and expand your mind. When you approach a girl use an opener. An opener is a conversation stimulator. Example: Did you see those two girls out in the parking lot fighting? Oh baby they were pulling each others hair and one girl tore the others shirt! Then steer the conversation to a topic on recent violence. You have just stimulated conversation and she won't feel like you invaded her space.
  • Put time restraints on the conversation: An example of this is you might be walking by two or three girls and you stop and say, "Hey I was just noticing you three attractive girls and I wanted to ask you a quick question about something, but I 'm with a group of friends and I ony have a second?" This lets them know that you don't intend on hanging around and you want their opinion about something and it must be important because you are a stranger. Also the attractive women bit it called stroking the ego. Later if you manage to get asked to come back you turn the beauty stuff around on them and level the playing field. Oh by the way have a question to ask them that requires all of them to participate. Here is a VERY VERY VERY effective one. "You girls look like you know style and good taste right? Great, I have this date tomorrow and I'm a little nervous. I want to make a good impression... do you think it's important to make a good impression on the first date? Anyways I needed your honest opinion on a cologne. Which one do you like better?" (THE SET UP) Ahead of time you have sprayed two different colognes on your wrist. They begin to smell you and comment. Women have different taste and you have done two things here. Stroked her with a compliment and she feels that you see value in her and now the rest of the night she is going to have your scent on her mind the rest of the night. Then thank them for their help and walk away. A few minutes later pass by them again and joke with them. "Are you girls still waiting here to smell me again?" I have used this one over and over and received plenty of phone numbers. One time after calling the girl she had me come over and she poured hot baby oil on the... oh I'm getting off track here. Bottom line was she commented on how good I smelled and it was driving her crazy.
  • Have a plan and stick to it: Seduction is a game and to be successful in a game you need a plan. Like the cologne opener. Have a few of them. This makes you seem interesting. There is no greater compliment then when two or three different sets of girls are talking about you in the bathroom at a club or bar. If you have a plan going in then you can attract what you want. If you say, "I'll see what come my way", then what you'll get is what you don't want. Usually fat heifers and dorks.

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