Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back To School!

I feel like Rodney Dangerfield, except I'm much better looking with a hot body and I don't have to throw my money around to get laid or for people to like me.  People like me because they have too!  I'll peel your head back and drink your insides if you don't.  It's a very very very simple math like equation.  You like me + I like you = You can live.  See what I mean.  This is muscle head 101 stuff.  So I decided to turn my garage chemistry set in that I purchased on Craig's List and go to a real school to become a doctor.  Is there a better place to go for a muscle head than Chiropractic School?  I mean I get to use my body everyday.  Hear some pops and cracks when I pushes on the back.  Palpate hot girls and get away with it because, "Hey I'm a doctor baby this is what I do, now put your pants back on I'm finished."  They won't let me actually take any classes yet until I pass an ethics exam and take a class.  I failed it two times already but I passed in on the third try.  My professor says she is a lot worried about me.  Oh and then there is this sexual harassment class.  This is my second big hurdle.  I keep telling them I already know how to sexually harass people.  I should teach this class!  They have a much different view about this than I so until I pass this test I am unable to actually walk in the doors and take a class.  I will finish the online training tomorrow and be starting Monday for sure.  I promise.